The Story
The Kennebec Arsenal is situated on a 41-acre parcel of land on the east side of the Kennebec River in Augusta. The compound consists of eight buildings constructed between 1829-1839. Built to fortify open ground in response to the War of 1812, the Kennebec Arsenal also functioned as a munitions depot during the Northeast Boundary Controversy with Great Britain. Today, the Arsenal serves as the best example of an early 19th-century military depot and remains a significant historic landmark for its role in the Northeast Boundary Controversy.
The Threat
In 2007, the complex was purchased by developer Tom Niemann of Durham, North Carolina, who replaced several roofs that were leaking. Since then, buildings have been largely untouched and continue to deteriorate. The Concerned Citizens for Augusta’s Historic Preservation of the Kennebec Arsenal have joined together to take action and await enforcement of historic preservation covenants and property maintenance ordinances by the city.
How to Get Involved
Learn more about the Concerned Citizens for Augusta’s Historic Preservation of the Kennebec Arsenal by watching recent coverage in the news and following along on Facebook. For further information on what the city is doing, please contact Development Service at Augusta City Hall at 207-626-2365. It is also important to contact your local Senators and Legislators across the state to make them aware of this dire situation.