Field Services — Maine Preservation

field services

guiding the stewards of historic buildings in Maine

Maine Preservation provides guidance to stewards of historic resources across the state through our Field Services Program. Launched in 2009 in partnership with The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Field Services was developed with the goal of supporting efforts of local organizations, governments, businesses, and individuals active in using historic preservation as a vital tool of community development and economic growth. We provide technical assistance for historic properties throughout Maine, advice on project and organizational development, guidance in identifying funding opportunities and how to leverage of federal and state historic tax credits, sharing information on available grant opportunities, and referrals to trades professionals.

Our services are available to all types of property owners, including residential, commercial, nonprofit, and governmental.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your historic building,

Field Services Engagement Map

Since 2009, Maine Preservation’s Field Service has assisted in more than 750 projects around the state. This map shows our engagement profile from 2019 forward.