Maine Preservation Webinars On-Demand
We hope you find our webinar library a useful resource. Maine Preservation strives to offer the tools to assist preservation-minded property owners, professionals, municipal employees, and developers to find the information you need.
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Past Webinars
Join three preservation consultants as they illustrate the application of the Secretary of the Interior's Standard for Rehabilitation and the tax credit certification process through case studies. This session is ideal for towns, developers, and others seeking to get an understanding of the tax credit certification process from start to finish.
In this session our Field Services Manager, Jonathan Hall, will review some key things you can do to get your old house spruced for spring and we’ll take your questions about maintenance.
Architectural photographer Dave Clough will share tips and insights that will help you take better pictures of buildings and exterior views. We’ll take a look at equipment, how to compose a shot, lighting, heights and angles. Process, work flow, and photo editing software will also be looked at.
Presenter: Michael W. Gobel-Bain, National Register & Survey Coordinator, Maine Historic Preservation Commission
In this session, you’ll learn about the National Register of Historic Places, including its purpose, the benefits to and restrictions on listed properties, eligibility criteria, and the process for listing a property, from identification through listing, with a typical timeline…
Presenter: Ali Barrionuevo, Director of Programs & Real Estate
Join us for an introduction to preservation easements and Maine Preservation’s Protect & Sell program. You’ll learn what a preservation easement is, how an easement agreement protects a building, and how Maine Preservation’s Protect & Sell program works to preserve Maine’s historic resources.
Presenters: Malcolm L. Collins AIA, NCARB, LEED AP & Ellen Angel AIA, NCARB, LEEDAP
Historic Structure Reports are an important part of effective preservation planning for significant buildings, particularly those open to the public. In this session, Mac Collins, an historical architect, and Ellen Angel, the senior architect and principal at Artifex will introduce us to the value of historic structure reports, their content, and how they are commissioned and executed on by multi-disciplinary teams of specialists.
Presenters: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager & Topher Belknap, Green Fret Collaborative
In this session we review some key things you can do to get your old house ready for winter, and we’ll show you how you can build interior storm windows to keep old man winter at bay.
Presenter: Scott Hanson
Scott Hanson author of the award-winning and best-selling book, Restoring Your Historic House: The Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners will talk about how to approach restoring a historic house in a way that identifies and preserves its most important character-defining features while making it livable for 21st century life.
Presenter: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager
Windows are critical to your enjoyment of your historic building. In this session, we’ll talk about window repair, replacement, painting, show you how to fix those pesky weights on your sashes, and more!
Presenter: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager
In this session we dig into old building maintenance and care to keep your special place healthy. We’ll cover how to develop your own maintenance roadmap for your structure.
Presenter: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager
We’re talking siding in this Rehab Lab. Learn about the issues facing your siding decisions: repair or replace, vinyl or wood, lead paint and new paint. We’ll look at the issues and show you how you can replace broken clapboards. Come get your questions answered!
Presenters: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager and Margaret Gaertner, Historic Building Consultant
Learn the role that condition assessments and inspections play in evaluating the status of an historic property and how these tools aid in setting the course of rehabilitation and maintenance planning.
Presenter: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager
In this session, we’ll dig into whether to repair or replace common issues in your house such as drafty windows and doors, tips on what to avoid in your DIY project of your historic building and so much more!
Presenters: Don Cyr, Musée du Mont-Carmel / Patrick Myers, Center Threatre / Lesley Fernow, Central Hall Commons
The 2020 Northeast Heritage Economy Program grantees discuss progress on their projects and share video and images of their projects. The session is moderated by Maine Preservation staff.
Presenter: Greg Paxton, Executive Director
Executive Director Greg Paxton explores over 200 years of Maine’s architectural history and gives you the tips of the trade on how to identify each architectural style.
Presenter: Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager
Field Service Manager Jonathan Hall takes a look at some common DIY projects for you to tackle this summer.
Presenters: Earle Shettleworth, Jr. , Maine Historian / Hugh French, Tides Institute & Museum of Art
Earle Shettleworth presents 16 Counties - 16 Stories of Early Maine Houses and Hugh French presents Bootstrapping Economic Development Through Reuse of Historic Structures.
Presenters: John Egan, Chief Investment Officer, Loans & Investments, CEI / Greg Paxton, Executive Director
In this session, you’ll learn how to apply for the credits, which expenditures qualify for the credits, deal structuring approaches to leverage credits, and how to avoid credit recapture. This webinar is for anyone who…