The American Woolen Company Foxcroft Mill is located on the west side of the Piscataquis River in downtown Dover-Foxcroft. The mill complex is comprised of seven buildings and three structures that represent several types, styles, and methods of construction used for mill buildings in Maine between 1840 and 1940.
The mill was an economic engine for the Dover-Foxcroft community for 163 years. When operations ceased in 2007, the American Woolen Company abandoned the mill. The loss of jobs was an additional hardship for an area that was already struggling to transition from a manufacturing- to a service-based economy.
The scope of the project was ever-evolving, requiring responsive and creative solutions from the project team. The total renovation of the 110,000 square foot complex included extensive structural repairs across a variety of building types and materials—from roofing, sandblasting, and historic window replacement to detailed interior finishes.
The Mill at Dover- Foxcroft project is the largest private investment in Piscataquis County in decades, and an excellent example of a public private collaboration. The $12.4 million project resulted in a complete revitalization and conversion of the former mill complex into a mixed-use development, which includes a high-tech business center, 22 market rate apartments, space for retail shops and offices, studio space for artisans, and an Internet cafe. It also includes a restaurant and a boutique hotel.
The revitalized mill is an excellent example of the positive results of community impact investing. The mill is now home to new businesses that are creating jobs and enriching the town. With working and living space, as well as a year-round farmer’s market at the complex, the mill is once again an integral part of Dover-Foxcroft’s community and economy.