10 Langley Road, Suite 202
Newton Centre, MA 02026
Lisa Howe lhowe@bcausa.com
Building Conservation Associates, Inc. is a private consulting and research firm practicing preservation design, conditions assessments, materials science, and historic building documentation. Since 1985, BCA has provided custom technology and planning services to architects, private institutions, developers, building owners, museums, and government agencies. BCA's pragmatic philosophy is rooted in construction technology and museum practices. Our company’s mission is to make building conservation an economically viable option within the normal parameters of property development and rehabilitation.
BCA is headquartered in New York, with regional offices in Newton, Massachusetts and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BCA’s staff includes building and object conservators, architects, historic preservationists, scientists, historians, planners, and artisans. Its senior staff members are widely published and have been individually honored with grants, fellowships, and other citations. BCA has won numerous awards for excellence in architectural conservation and historic preservation.