Tips for Fall Maintenance and DIY Storm Windows - Rehab Lab — Maine Preservation

Tips for Fall Maintenance and DIY Storm Windows - Rehab Lab


In this session we review some key things you can do to get your old house ready for winter, and we’ll show you how you can build interior storm windows to keep old man winter at bay.


  • Jonathan Hall, Field Services Manager

  • Topher Belknap, Green Fret Collaborative

Links to Resources

  • WindowDressers

    WidowDressers brings volunteers together to improve the warmth and comfort of homes, lower heating costs, and reduce CO2 emissions by producing low-cost insulating window inserts that function as interior-mounted storm windows. Our staff supplies, trains, and supports teams of community volunteers as they build affordable, insulating window inserts at local Community Builds.

  • Topher Belknap, GreenFret Consulting
    I first created these storm windows back in 1997, for an old victorian house I owned. When I moved to Maine, I introduced these interior storm windows at the 2nd Annual Midcoast Sustainable Living Expo, which was sponsored by the Midcoast Green Collaborative and they have been modified, improved, tailored, and run rampant since then. We estimate that over 20,000 windows have been made by, and for, Mainers since then, and there are groups now in other parts of the Country, and in Hungary and England making them.

  • Island Institute, Interior Storms Windows