The Story
The Old Blue Hill Academy was constructed in 1833 in the Greek Revival style. Renovations in 1909 were designed by Blue Hill native, George Clough. Many architectural features are present, giving the building a distinct historic appearance.
The Threat
The Old Blue Hill Academy is suffering from lack of maintenance due to a decline in membership of the Duffy-Wescott American Legion Post 85. Decreasing income has left the building in a state of disrepair. Important architectural features have deteriorated and were unable to be replaced. Other features have been preserved through temporary solutions which have deferred impending deterioration.
The Solution
Members of Duffy-Wescott Post 85 opted to sell a nearby parcel of land and is now investing proceeds from the sale into the building’s rehabilitation. Those interested in learning more and staying up to date on the project can visit Post 85’s website, where they are keeping an extensive gallery of before and after photographs!