Our AncestOrs' Voices: A Walk Through the Greenville Cemetery

with Liz McKeil and Ben Beverly from Moosehead Marine Museum

Saturday, May 6 at 10:00 AM

Estimated duration: 90 minutes

The Moosehead Lake Region has a rich and sometimes colorful history. In summers past, entire families fled the cities for the healthy and invigorating environment of Northern Maine. Visitors would arrive by train at Greenville Junction and in a few steps were boarding boats to travel up the Lake to the various resorts and sporting camps that peppered Moosehead's shoreline. It was the perfect escape from the stifling heat and pollution of cities like Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. The region was also home to a thriving lumber industry with steamboats towing log booms to the East Outlet of the Kennebec River to be sluiced downriver to lumber mills or towing logs to Atlas Plywood in downtown Greenville. At the core of all this activity were the families and personalities of the region, many of whom were buried at the Greenville Cemetery. Come walk with local history teacher Ben Beverly as we tour the cemetery and share their stories.

Accessibility: Guests with mobility challenges can park at the Greenville Cemetery. We will not stray from the paths through the cemetery.

Starting and ending point: Steamboat Katahdin parking lot

For questions about this walk, please email janeswalkme@gmail.com.