University of Southern Maine African American Collection of the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine celebrates Black History Month with a virtual panel discussion.
Use the link to register in advance for this free event:
Maine Preservation is honored to be a part of this event that will feature the following sessions:
Mapping Maine; Digitizing and Charting Sites Connected to Maine’s Black History, presenter: Anastasia Azenaro-Moore. Anastasia Azenaro-Moore has worked in historic preservation since graduating with her Masters from Savannah College of Art in Design in 2017. She currently works as the Operations and Communications Administrator at Maine Preservation.
Making African American History in Maine Visible: African American Collection Project, presenters: Susie R. Bock and Ida Santos. Susie R. Bock, Coordinator of USM's Special Collections, holds Master's degrees in European History and Library Science from Columbia University, and has curated the African American Collection for over 20 years. Ida Santos, an undergraduate working on a degree, majoring in both Music and Physics, has been gathering the mapping data since September 2020.
Won't You Be My Neighbor?: The Landscape of Anti-Blackness in American Schooling, presenter: Larissa Malone, Ph.D. Larissa Malone, Ph.D. holds a doctorate in Cultural Foundations of Education from the School of Foundations, Leadership, and Administration at Kent State University. Dr. Larissa Malone is an assistant professor in USM's Teacher Education Department. A critical race theorist, Dr. Malone’s research centers on the minority experience in American schooling, inclusive of students, parents, and teachers, and her aim is towards creating equitable educational spaces for all.