A generous supporter has come forward with the OceanView Challenge -- a $50,000 challenge grant that Maine Preservation needs to match with gifts or pledges totaling $200,000 by this Friday, November 30!
This donation will bring in a total of $250,000 of new money to Maine Preservation, but only if we can raise the remaining $15,000 by Friday, November 30. Raising our sights! This kind of visionary support is transformational. The donor stipulated that these gifts must be new gifts or gifts in addition to the usual annual giving of each donor. We have received generous support from our Board of Trustees, who gave more than half of the total goal for this initiative, and one of our Trustees has pledged an additional gift when we achieve our goal.
As a supporter of historic preservation activities, you care deeply about Maine Preservation and the state of the state of Maine. Our towns and cities. Our waterfronts, storefronts, and steeples. You share our concern that our finest historic landmarks could be torn down without any thought to their significance, character and potential reuse. That a lack of funding or public interest will forever change the built environment that means so much to all of us. You understand that the stories and history embodied in our neighborhoods, downtowns and buildings strengthens and sustains the civic pride and economic stability of our communities. And you know that Maine Preservation works to promote and preserve these treasured places every single day.