D'Amanda's (Ellsworth Bowling Alley)


When D’Amanda’s, a long-running candlepin bowling alley located along Route 1 in Ellsworth, went up for sale a few years ago, there were no takers. That is until rumors of demolition led self-described candlepin bowling nerd and area resident, Autumn Mowery, to take action. As the lane mechanic at the time, Autumn couldn’t stand to see D’Amanda’s lost, so she negotiated a three-month trial rental of the business to see if she had what it takes. With initial help from her mother, her savings, and some support from Covid stimulus funds, Autumn took the leap of faith.

The retro bowling alley is located in an unassuming 1970s-era strip mall, providing a step back in time and look into a less traditional form of bowling. The alternative game–think smaller balls and smaller, narrower pins–spread in popularity across New England and Canada. Its origins can be traced back to Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1880.

In Ellsworth, Eastward Bowling Lanes first opened its doors on January 19, 1974, and promoted itself as “the recreation center for the whole family.” Now, the alley’s retro vibes are matched by the vintage equipment that makes game play possible. The alley’s pinsetters are protype machines dating back to 1949. They were originally designed for temporary installation to test out new lanes and were in no way meant for years of open play. It’s assumed the original owner thought they worked well enough and so they stayed. Their temporary nature became an immediate burden for those tasked with their operation, leading to ongoing repair campaigns carried out with literal bubble gum, duct tape, and clothes hangers. Autumn reports that she has been “un-rigging” the machines in order to return them back to their original setup.

Entering Amanda’s third year of operation, D’Amanda’s also touts an arcade room, pool hall, dart boards, corn hole, and combo bar and restaurant called the Strike N Slice, run by Autumn’s fiancé. Autumn promotes her business through an active following on Instagram and Tik Tok, and even hosts behind the scenes tours to educate people about the vintage pinsetters and the basics of how a bowling alley works.

One of Autumn’s core goals is to provide an affordable, family friendly activity for residents and visitors. She quips that if the bowling alley doesn’t stay open, “kids will go back to smashing mailboxes” to stay occupied. Her favorite part of the day is collecting notebooks she leaves at every lane and reading reviews and suggestions people have left. Along with keeping the place running and preserving the past, Autumn hopes that families can also make new memories. These types of cultural gathering spaces are integral to Maine communities, especially ones that encourage connectedness among people from different generations and walks of life.


In 2023, the bowling alley had its best summer in over 10 years, but a long list of building needs, lane improvements, and insurance challenges have left the business on an unstable footing. Upon assuming ownership at the age of 19, Autumn only had three lanes that were consistently working and an air conditioning unit that flooded the alley. She has since repaired all 12 lanes, with 8-9 consistently working, and all of them in constant need of maintenance. D’Amanda’s also suffers from the wider challenges facing other candlepin bowling alleys, including fading popularity and a lack of manufacturers that make needed parts and equipment. Autumn has become quite resourceful, fabricating replacement parts herself.

 Aside from their functionality, the pinsetters and lane equipment also pose a safety hazard for those working behind the scenes–especially in the eyes of the insurance company. Because of the potential risk, Autumn cannot hire any employees unless she completely replaces the equipment or retrofits the existing machines with modern safety features. The result is that Autumn is stuck working the lanes alone.

 Additionally, the building’s roof leaks like a sieve, limiting use of lanes, and the outdoor sign needs to be replaced to better invite customers to the door. Without it, many people think the road to the bowling alley is a private driveway.

How to Get Involved

Grab your friends and family and go bowling; it couldn’t be any easier to help! Be sure to make a reservation and see for yourself why this place is so special. Autumn hopes that through positive experiences at D’Amanda’s and with candlepin bowling, more people will get hooked and spread the word. When she’s not working the lanes, Autumn is also saving up money to retrofit the prototype pinsetters and lane equipment so she can hire her first employees.

 Read up more on Candlepin Bowling from the International Candlepin Bowling Association: https://www.candlepin.org/

Historic Resources of Swan Island


Swan Island has long been a place of prominence, first among the Kennebec tribe of the Abenaki, then European-American settlers arriving in the 17th century, and eventually as the agrarian Town of Perkins. The four-mile-long island’s layers of significance are well documented in the National Register of Historic Places as the Swan Island Historic District (1995). Of note are the extant historic resources, including five houses dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, associated outbuildings, Curtis Cemetery, ruins of over 20 cellars, and old roads. These sites are central to the history of the former Town of Perkins, which at its height in 1860 had nearly 100 residents. Most of the Perkins residents were involved in farming, fishing, harvesting ice, and boat building. In 1918, there were not enough male voters to fill all the required town offices, essentially ending the legal existence of the Town of Perkins. The state took over as the governing body and taxing entity, thus allowing it to slowly acquire property when owners did not pay their taxes. By the 1940s, the island had become nearly uninhabited as the State of Maine transitioned the land into what would eventually become the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area under the auspices of the Maine Department of Inland Fishers & Wildlife (IF&W).    

Historic houses remaining on the island include:

Tubbs-Reed House, c. 1800 – Federal-style house built on a high point overlooking the Kennebec River by Major Samuel Tubbs, a commissioned member of the Massachusetts militia during the Revolutionary War. David Jr. and Drusilla Tallman Reed purchased the house in 1837, with their family retaining control of the property into the 1920s.  

Gardiner-Dumaresq House, c. 1763 – Silvester Gardiner, British loyalist and founder of Gardiner and Pittston, built the house as a summer residence for his daughter and son-in-law who lived in Boston. The saltbox house, named for its distinct roof profile, is a rare building form in Maine. The interior fabric remains amazingly intact including a polychrome painted floor, thumbnail molded feather-edge paneling, and central chimney with five fireplaces.

Lilly-Wade Property, c. 1860 – The simple, side-gabled farmhouse featuring Italianate flourishes was likely built by William Lilly, who was recorded farming the adjacent lot and listed as a house joiner. The barn, machinery shed, and corn crib on the site were constructed by the Maine Inland Fishers and Game Department in the 1940s as part of their efforts to manage the local deer population.

Robinson-Powell House, c. 1886-1889 – The 2.5 story, gable-front farmhouse features decorative brackets, window hoods, bay windows, corner pilasters, and carved vergeboard. Not much is known about the first owner, James Alvin Robinson. The Island Manager and namesake of the current wildlife management area, Steve Powell, resided in the house with his family. The site includes a woodshed, boathouse, and workshop.

Priest Property, c. 1930 – 1.5 story house and side ell feature a gambrel roof, shed dormers, and an enclosed porch. The island’s last caretaker, Parker Blen, along with his wife and granddaughter resided at the property. Its more recent construction likely made it attractive for IF&W staff housing. The discovery of mold and the accompanying cost for remediation shuttered the historic house. Staff now overnight at an island campsite.   


This isn’t the first time that we have called attention to the plight of the historic resources on Swan Island. Our 2001 list of Most Endangered Historic Places first highlighted the need for action to preserve these places significant to Maine’s history. 

The constraints for successful and sustainable preservation of the historic resources on Swan Island are myriad. Most recently, access is at the top of the list. In July 2022, the United States Coast Guard halted use of the state-operated ferry after it was determined that it was operating unlawfully, although the state contested that it had the proper permitting. The immediate result was the cancellation of field trips and summer programming, and ultimately the state ended ferry service the following summer. The IF&W announced the costs to operate and captain the ferry were too high, even after having just upgraded the ferry in 2015 and investing $300,000 to repair the Richmond side dock. The ferry provided public access for six decades, and without it, those interested in camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and generally recreating on the island must traverse the Kennebec River by their own means. Less eyes and attention on the historic buildings, especially those that are vacant, does not bode well for ongoing maintenance and care.  

The second challenge is developing sustainable uses and accompanying funding for rehabilitation and maintenance of the buildings. The State of Maine used federal funds in the early acquisition and management of the island, which now prevents it from using any state funds for activities unrelated to wildlife management, including those related to preservation and interpretation of the island’s historic resources–even camping. In the early 2000s, a nonprofit called the Friends of Swan Island (FOSI) formed to raise money to support the island’s historic buildings. With help from local historical societies and partners, FOSI successfully fundraised and secured grant awards to develop preservation planning documents, replace roofs, conduct critical repairs and painting. Due to a lack of capacity and energy, the Friends dissolved a few years ago but there is renewed interest in its rebirth.

Finally, without programmed uses, it’s inevitable that these significant buildings would remain in a cycle of upkeep and disrepair. IF&W already permits camping, hiking, fishing, and paddling, so there are several potential types of uses for the buildings that would not conflict with the conservation and research goals of the wildlife management area. Putting these former houses and outbuildings to use–as a visitor center, housing for IF&W staff and researchers, or unique lodging for paddlers exploring the Kennebec River–ensures a sound investment while also contributing to the economic and cultural vitality of the region.

How to Get Involved

We understand IF&W’s mandate in operating the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area but believe that as a state agency it should also be a willing partner towards solutions that benefit both their work and the preservation of the historic houses and cemetery on Swan Island. Contact the Maine IF&W to express your support in restarting the Swan Island Ferry, even in a limited capacity, to allow for continued public access and exploration of partnerships to better address the preservation of the island’s remaining historic resources. The Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area is under the direction of IF&W’s Region B office located in Sidney, (207)287-5300.

If you are a resident of an abutting town, including Richmond, Bowdoinham, Woolwich, Dresden, and even Gardiner, that historically were linked to Swan Island and remain important to its future, you should ask your local leaders to get involved in the conversation. Encourage them to reform the Swan Island Advisory Group, which until very recently, was made up of representatives from these communities who met on an annual basis to consider ways to support this important resource.  

To stay informed or get involved in reforming the Friends of Swan Island, visit their new website - https://swanislandmaine.org/.

Colburn House State Historic Site


The timber framed Georgian-era house was built in 1765 by early Pittston colonist Major Reuben Colburn. Colburn was responsible for the construction of an early sawmill, brickyard, boat yard, and gristmill integral to European settlement of the area. His most pivotal role was in helping plan and supply an attempt to seize control of Quebec from the British in the early stages of the Revolutionary War.

Colburn met General George Washington and Colonel Benedict Arnold, coordinated a scouting party of colonists and native Wabanaki people to develop a route from the Kennebec River to Quebec, and then, in a spectacular feat spanning two weeks, led the construction of 200 batteaux (small boats) just south of the house and secured provisions for 1,100 troops. Arnold’s expedition ultimately failed, but successfully disrupted the British preparations in what would be the Battles of Saratoga. Colburn was never paid for his efforts in outfitting the expedition force and contributions to the eventual success of American independence. It would take a lifetime of hard work for Colburn and his family to overcome the debt. His descendants retained ownership of the property for more than a century.

The State of Maine purchased the property in 1972 and it is now operated by the Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) as the Colburn House State Historic Site. The property is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places (2004), and as a contributing building within the Arnold Trail to Quebec Historic District (1969). The house museum tells the story of the Arnold expedition and Major Colburn’s central role in the “March to Quebec.”  The state has long partnered with the Arnold Expedition Historical Society (AEHS), a nonprofit organization established in 1973 to preserve and interpret the expedition. AEHS operated the site through a lease from BPL, but that has since lapsed. The organization remains dedicated to preservation of the site and hopes that interpretive programming and use could be enhanced so as to better tell this nationally significant story. AEHS hosted a volunteer workday in the summer of 2023 to cut back vegetation and repair cedar siding and steps.

The last repair campaign, totaling $200,000 was completed in 2015, addressing structural and exterior cladding repairs on the house, carriage house, and barn. The repairs were possible through state bond financing, support from AEHS, donations, and labor provided by the Kennebec County Sheriff’s Office. Unfortunately, significant repairs are still needed. In partnership with the Maine Historic Preservation Commission (MHPC), BPL developed a Historic Structures Assessment that identifies the building’s condition, describing and prioritizing needed repairs, but these plans come at a significant cost.


The house’s future is threatened by structural degradation, water infiltration and drainage, and powder post beetles. The combination of constrained budgets and well-intentioned but piecemeal repairs have compounded to a dire situation. Unsafe conditions, including an unstable foundation, mold growth, and flaking lead paint led the state to end public access to the interior in 2019.

The good news is the National Park Service awarded a $500,000 grant to BPL in 2022 through its Semiquincentennial Grant Program, which celebrates the 250th anniversary of the country’s founding. The grant did not require matching funds, but the state planned to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resources to bolster the grant-funded work, only later discovering that historic preservation activities were not eligible. According to David Rodrigues, BPL’s Director of Real Property Management, the funds will only address the most critical repairs to the foundation and the house’s timber frame structure. Exterior carpentry repairs to windows, doors, and siding; reroofing; painting; mold remediation; life safety; and accessibility improvements will likely need to wait, which means it will remain unfinished and closed to the public. 

How to Get Involved

The Colburn House is among many other state-owned historic properties suffering from deferred maintenance and attention due to an estimated $100 million backlog across all BPL properties. The Maine Legislature will consider LD 791, “An Act to Support the Maintenance, Preservation and Promotion of Historic Sites” during the January 2024 session, which would allocate $1 million in each of the next two fiscal years to support the 16+ historic sites managed by BPL. The bill was introduced in 2023 by Senator Nicole Grohoski to fund preservation needs at Fort George in Castine, which as included on our 2022 Most Endangered Historic Places List. Repairs to the Colburn House are near the top of BPL’s priority list, so please contact your State Representative and Senator to let them know you support much needed repairs to the Colburn House and that the state should adequately fund and steward the historic properties under its care. The potential state funds from LD 791 would only just begin to support desperately needed preservation work, but it is a move in the right direction. 

 To learn more about the “March to Quebec” and the work of the Arnold Expedition Historical Society, please visit their website: www.arnoldsmarch.org.

Bowdoinham Town Hall


In Silas Adams’ 1912 History of Bowdoinham, Maine, he referred to the Town Hall as the “conspicuous landmark of this Town” and remarked how the building is “situated on the highest ground in this locality…a vigilant sentinel overlooking and noting the rapid flight of time.”

 The Bowdoinham Town Hall was originally built in 1823 as a church by the Universality Society. At the time, there were no meetinghouses, fraternal halls, or places of public worship. The Universalists used the building until they dedicated a new house of worship just down the hill at the corner of School and Main Streets in 1890. The congregation donated the building to the Town of Bowdoinham, which appropriated $1,000 to convert it for the purposes of a town hall.

 The building served as the hub of civic life in Bowdoinham, acting as the de facto community center, annual town meeting venue, and voting site. Its use extended to social gatherings and events including the Coombs High School graduation, local variety shows and dances, birthday and anniversary celebrations, Miss Bowdoinham pageants, school plays, dance lessons, rummage sales, art shows, and basketball games. The Library Plant Sale was held in the building for 49 years; closure in spring 2023 cut its golden anniversary short.


The Select Board reinstated the Town Hall Committee in Fall 2021 after experiencing prolonged roof leaks and discovering signs of deterioration. The group was tasked with determining what was needed to repair and restore the building, develop cost estimates, and explore and execute a funding strategy. They began with a survey that helped identify community needs and establish shared priorities. The committee is led by Rachelle Tome, who had been part of the group when it last assembled in the 1990s to oversee repairs. 

The Committee contracted with Preservation Timber Framing (PTF) to complete a building conditions assessment, rehabilitation plan, and cost estimates for the work. The Bowdoinham Historical Society stepped up to financially support the study. PTF wrapped up its assessment in the spring of 2023 and concluded that rehabilitation of the town hall building would cost approximately $1.5 million. The findings of the study combined with the wet and rainy spring, drove the Town to close the building to the public, citing safety concerns.

 Hidden beneath the readably visible needs of repairing and painting the exterior, is a list of structural deficiencies central to the town hall’s future. The original stone foundation will need to be partially, if not fully, replaced after years of shifting from freeze thaw cycles, the perimeter sills are inadequate and beyond repair, and sections of the roof framing and interior trusses that had been temporarily stabilized decades ago will need to be repaired. The failing roof, which permitted water intrusion and contributed to deterioration of the timber framing will also need to be replaced.  

 The cost estimates shocked everyone involved. What was originally believed to be a solution that involved a combination of town funds, small grants, and a bit of local fundraising turned out to be a much heavier lift.

 In hopes of addressing the most critical repair needs in one effort, the Select Board proposed a $1 million bond issue to residents at the June town meeting. Voters were already facing an increased town budget due to an increase in ambulance services, and unfortunately, the bond issue failed. The unexpectedly high cost of the rehabilitation, paired with a tough town meeting, is believed to have caused the outcome although committee members and town leaders still hear from residents about a desire to save the building. In response, the Town Manager proposed a multi-year, phased approach that would be more palatable for Bowdoinham residents, which would first address the foundation, sills, and roof.  

How to Get Involved

While Maine Preservation staff provides technical assistance and guidance to the committee on potential strategies and funding approaches, everyone can play a part.

The Town Hall Committee emphasized the importance of residents stepping up to voice their support and to see how they can contribute to preserving the Town Hall. Members also said they would welcome a connection to those who wish to support the project who have experience in fundraising, project management, preservation trades, etc., whether they are residents of Bowdoinham or not. The committee meets at 4:30pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 13 School Street in Bowdoinham.

Gayety Theatre Building


This 1921 Van Buren landmark along Main Street originated as the Star Theatre Building, replacing the Dreamland Theatre previously on site. The brick, two-story commercial building incorporated restrained details from the Renaissance Revival Style popular for theaters of the time, including brick corbelling in the form of raised panels and pilasters, and arched window and door openings. The original design of the building included a central theater lobby flanked by storefronts, large assembly hall upstairs, and a large auditorium space at the rear complete with stage, orchestra pit, balcony, and soaring ceiling.

 In December 1924, the Star Theatre suffered a destructive fire that consumed the auditorium and roof while sparing the facade. It was redesigned and quickly rebuilt the next year. Soon after, Lillian Keegan assumed ownership of the building and renamed it the Gayety Theatre. Mrs. Keegan operated the theater for 36 years making countless improvements including upholstered seats, sound and projector upgrades, CinemaScope screen, and an Art Deco-inspired remodel of the auditorium, lobby, and first floor of the facade. The evolution of the building’s signage and entrance is most remarkable–beginning with an electrical blade sign in 1929, illuminated marquee circa 1931-33, and the later Art Moderne neon marquee with letterboard from 1937. Motions pictures were balanced with live performances on the stage. Between the architecture, lighting, seating, shows, and acoustics, The Gayety’s slogan, “Northern Maine’s Favorite Theatre,” stood true!

 The Gayety Theatre building also hosted basketball games, dances, bingo, town and school board meetings, farmers’ meetings, judicial proceedings, and series of school graduations. Stories abound of couples who had their first date or met their future partner while attending an event. By 1930, the upstairs hall was known as the City Club, touting live band dancing and even a miniature golf course for five years! The commercial spaces on the first floor were host to popular businesses including Cyr’s Lunch (1921-1943) known for its homemade pie and cold beer and Richard’s Pharmacy (1923-1957) that featured a soda fountain.

 Gilman Grandmaison took ownership of the Gayety Theatre in 1962, adding Gayety Theatre Dairy Freeze (1965-1969) and Gayety Arcade and Video (1982-1990) in the storefronts. Movies at the Gayety held strong even after the advent of television, but eventually had its last showing in 1983. One of Gilman’s sons, Dayton, who worked at the family businesses, opened a small restaurant in the front half of the building, which became a gathering place for locals and visitors alike. By the mid-1990s, Dayton had sold the building with iterations of his restaurant continuing.


After a series of subsequent owners and decades of deferred maintenance, the toll on the building was apparent. Enter Jason Grandmaison, the other son of Gilman, who in 2018 was able to build a relationship with the owner and get a key to the theater. Jason began tending to the buckets lining the attic that were collecting water. In 2021, Jason’s brother Dayton experienced his own call to action after someone had vandalized the façade. Dayton hired two local contractors to complete repairs and paint the storefront and windows on Main Street. The brothers knew the importance of the building to the community as well as to themselves, recalling the sound of the chains in the bottom of the draperies hitting the stage floor and being part of a first viewing with other audience members. Before they knew it, most of the carpentry and masonry had been repaired on the façade and people in town were taking notice. Through these efforts, the Grandmaisons have garnered the support of the Town Council and Town Manager.

 Cosmetic repairs to the exterior were only the start of what was needed to arrest the building’s downward spiral. Jason completed a variety of patches and re-rigging of gutters systems to stop further water infiltration, but a full replacement is needed. Unfortunately, years of water resulted in buckling wood floors, saturated insulation, failing plaster, and a wet basement. After securing ownership of the building, the brothers have been slowly cleaning out debris, demolishing later interior divisions, and exposing original features like the tin ceilings, entryway arch, and decorative stenciling. The ultimate goal is to create a small 60-seat theater and reactivate the auditorium as a 140-seat performance/movie theater space, complemented by a refreshment stand and museum space in the left storefront and lobby space. The other storefront would be rehabbed and leased. New windows and doors would help restore the original openings on the façade that had been enclosed over the years.

How to Get Involved

The Grandmaisons hope to save, repair, and reopen a historic jewel to create a fun and wonderful gathering place for their local community and region. They see their efforts as part of a growing momentum in Van Buren to reinvest and works towards a vibrant Main Street.  

 They have filed the paperwork to establish the Friends of the Gayety Theatre, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to preserve the Gayety Theatre Building. This would allow them to pursue grant funding and to accept tax deductible donations from individuals and businesses that would like to support the project.

 Those interested in tracking the progress of the project and in supporting this monumental effort in Van Buren, can follow along on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6346574898701203

Jonathan Fisher House


The Jonathan Fisher House is a two-story plank-frame house designed and largely built by Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847). Fisher was the first Congregational minister of Blue Hill and a true Renaissance Man – pursuing art, furniture making, farming, science, mathematics, surveying, and writing. Fisher began designing the house in the winter of 1814 as space in his c. 1796 house became cramped. It took several years for Fisher to complete his house, finally painting the exterior in 1818. The house’s plank frame construction is rather unusual, especially in Maine. Sawn timber planks stand vertically, side-by-side, simultaneously offering structure from sill to plate like a traditional post and beam timber frame or stud wall, as well as exterior sheathing. In 1898, Fisher’s grandchildren tore down the original 1796 house and replaced it with a two-story addition that remains on site today.

The property remained largely vacant from 1918 into the 1950s, with rare visits from the family. A group of concerned citizens formed the nonprofit organization, Jonathan Fisher Memorial, to acquire the property and begin operating it as a house museum and built an addition to house exhibition space and offices in the 1970s. Fifty years later, the Jonathan Fisher House was the third location in Maine added to the Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios (HAHS) program administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. HAHS is a coalition of 50+ museums that were the homes and working studios of American artists.


The first signs of trouble arrived in 2019 when board members of the Jonathan Fisher Memorial noticed sagging floors upstairs and in the parlor. Previous repair campaigns had temporarily addressed structural issues, while it seemed there was always a lingering battle with water infiltration, particularly where the 1814 and 1896 structures meet.

Preservation consultant Scott Hanson was initially hired to tour the house and provide preliminary recommendations. Among his suggestions was to contact Preservation Timber Framing (PTF) of South Berwick to complete a more in-depth conditions assessment on the timber elements of the structure. PTF completed its assessment of the property in 2022, which revealed far greater problems than anticipated. Many original timbers would need to be replaced, walls rebuilt, and the roof replaced. The floorboards throughout the house spanned clear across entire rooms while the ordering of other structural elements defied the norms of how structural members should bear the weight of what is above them. Estimated costs of repair ranged from $800,000 to $1 million. Jonathan Fisher Memorial Board President, Hannah Cyrus, also reached out to Maine Preservation staff for assistance with interpreting the findings and guidance on what to do next.

To complement an understanding of the needs of the plank-frame bones, the organization was awarded a Historic Preservation Fund grant from the Maine Historic Preservation Commission to develop a comprehensive conditions assessment that included exterior elements, site conditions, life safety requirements, accessibility, and MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) systems. Architecture firm Barba + Wheelock of Portland completed the assessment in the summer of 2023, with a price tag exceeding $1 million.

How to Get Involved

The Board of the Jonathan Fisher Memorial is dedicated to ensuring the house is stabilized and secured for another 200 years. With a solid understanding of the site and its conditions, the Board is now devising a capital campaign strategy to drive design development and eventually physical repairs. Visit their “Preservation Project” webpage for updates on their progress and for information on how to support their effort: http://www.jonathanfisherhouse.org/preservation-project.

Tours, events, and other programs are offered seasonally, so be sure to check the site’s calendar for details on when to visit.

Winter Harbor Historical Society Museum


The Winter Harbor Historical Society owns and stewards the town’s former schoolhouse as its museum. The building was erected in 1877 as the fourth school in what was still the Town of Goldsboro, after the previous school was lost to fire. Just ten years after its construction, the schoolhouse was set to be relocated to make way for a hotel. Hoping to attract the same attention of rusticators and summer people seen on Mount Desert Island, Winter Harbor native and businessman, Edward J. Hammond spearheaded efforts to acquire land and develop cottages, along with building a hotel. To ensure guests had water views, Hammond came to an agreement with the Town to move the school down the road. The move required 10 oxen and reportedly took two weeks.

The school remained open until 1952, triggering momentary use of the building by the local grange and subsequently a boat builder. In 1976, the town deeded the former schoolhouse to the Winter Harbor Historical Society for the purposes of its preservation. The Historical Society has since stewarded the property, transforming the first-floor space into a local history museum, while use of the second floor is limited given accessibility challenges. Its members continue to collect archival material, objects, and ephemera important to the area’s past, partnering with nearby College of the Atlantic for assistance with digitization of records and curation. In 2014, the Historical Society celebrated repairs to the building’s belfry that allowed for reinstallation and operation of its original 1875 bell.


Growing concerns from members who observed shifting in the building’s walls led them to pursue answers. The May 2022 findings from a local engineer revealed the schoolhouse wasn’t just an old building with uneven floors and few straight lines, it had structural flaws that would require intervention. The biggest concern is the balloon frame structure, particularly on the second floor, has been stretched towards it limit causing the exterior walls to pull away from floor joists, which are not providing adequate structural support. Additionally, the condition of the fieldstone foundation compounded the framing issues, moisture control in the crawlspace was lacking, and access to and within the building was limited. The engineer advised that action be taken within the next five years so as not to reach the point of no return. With the help of an experienced local contractor, the Historical Society developed cost estimates for all the needed repairs to the schoolhouse, totaling nearly $400,000. This would include repairs to the exterior and windows, as well as upgrades to the existing heating system.

How to Get Involved

While the Winter Harbor Historical Society seeks guidance and pursues grant funding, its members have turned to yearlong residents and the summer community for support in preserving an important landmark and guaranteeing the organization a place to continue its mission in preserving the area’s heritage. Getting the word out about the need is also critical. The school’s 19th century relocation left it in a less prominent location, setback considerably from Main Street and out of view.  

For more information on the Winter Harbor Historical Society Museum and updates on the organization’s progress, tune into their Winter Harbor History page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086397036113.